
The long road to corporate transparency

The long road to corporate transparency

These days, you’d be hard pressed to find a company without a corporate social responsibility program or structure. But accountability and transparency around the good these programs actually achieve is one of the biggest issues that remains for corporations globally....

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The Gold Coaster Tackling Modern Slavery

The Gold Coaster Tackling Modern Slavery

He’s one Gold Coast local who is doing his part to make the world a better place and in ways many of us couldn’t even imagine. We sat down for a chat with Nicholas Bernhardt about abolishing modern slavery and exactly what we can do to help. How long have you been a...

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5 Steps Your Company Needs to Take To Help Form Its Modern Slavery Statement

5 Steps Your Company Needs to Take To Help Form Its Modern Slavery Statement

Even with the best of intentions, combating Modern Slavery can initially seem an arduous task for companies, especially where supply chains span borders and are complex and multi-tiered in nature. With this in mind, we have compiled this list of five key steps which companies should take towards ensuring that their Modern Slavery Statements are more than words on a page.

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Live Webinar: Unchain Modern Slavery

Live Webinar: Unchain Modern Slavery

Is your business finalising its first Modern Slavery Statement, only to find that COVID-19 has complicated the situation? We’ve joined forces with CIPS QLD Committee to bring you experts to answer your the tough, practical questions to comply with the Modern Slavery Act.

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Modern Slavery Act Australia – What You Need To Know

Modern Slavery Act Australia – What You Need To Know

With the Modern Slavery Act fully operational, your organisation may now be subject to stringent annual reporting obligations. Here, we take a deep dive into everything you need to know about how the Modern Slavery Act may affect your organisation and what you need to do to stay compliant.

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