Live Webinar: Modern Slavery Act November 2021 Update with the Australian Border Force, Better Sydney & Australian Red Cross
Get the key learnings from statements so far, understand expectations for 2021/2022 reporting, and get working examples of best practice.
This free webinar is presented by Informed 365 with speakers from the Australian Border Force (ABF), Better Sydney, and Australian Red Cross.
Note: Webinar Is Free But Seats Are Limited
Webinar Date: Thursday 18 November at 11am AEDT.
In this workshop, you will learn:
- Key learnings from statements submitted so far
- Expectations for 2021/2022 reporting
- Working examples of best practice
- From the front lines: the day to day experiences of real companies.
- An update on Modern Slavery Statements from The Australian Border Force & Informed 365
Speakers From
- The Australian Border Force
- Better Sydney
- Australian Red Cross
When: Thursday 18 November at 11am AEDT