Improving Modern Slavery Statements In The Property Sector
The Property Council of Australia have put together advice from independent experts for better Modern Slavery Statements. Click here to get the full report
The Property Council and a consortium of its leading members commissioned an independent review of 15 Modern Slavery Statements by three independent, expert academic bodies. The independent review looked at broad trends and areas for improvement. It yielded the following 11 standalone recommendations.
Executive Summary From The Report
Reporting entities should:
1. provide clarity and detail within their Modern Slavery Statements
2. be relevant and exact about suppliers to deliver more actionable information
3. be specific about the risks within their supply chains
4. acknowledge that exploitation exists on a spectrum and should not be considered a binary issue.
5. ensure steps are taken to make grievance mechanisms available and accessible.
6. evaluate the effectiveness of grievance mechanisms and strive for improvement.
7. provide personal case studies about people within their supply chains.
8. ensure training for staff members is appropriate and relevant.
9. be aware and take steps to mitigate the impacts of the Bystander Effect.
10. encourage conversation and be prepared to listen.
11. build relationships with suppliers and diversify supply chains.
Click here to get the full report